We can’t drive the sustainability agenda by ourselves, that’s why collaboration is so important. It plays a key role in making change happen quicker. So we engage and collaborate proactively with our stakeholders to identify opportunities to create shared value. Our key stakeholders are customers, employees, suppliers and communities, as well as society, industry associations and investors. We’re also a member of various associations and organizations that are aligned with our approach to sustainable business.
We’re an active player in the world of green buildings. On a global level, we’re a member of the WGBC’s Corporate Advisory Board (CAB). We’re also a member of various local Green Building Councils (GBCs), for example in South East Asia and the Middle East.
We’ve been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2004 and communicate about our progress on an annual basis. We’re also a signatory to the Responsible Care® Global Charter and the CEO Water Mandate. As a member of the UN Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead in Paint, we were the first major paint company to eliminate lead pigments and driers in all our paint products and continue to do so when we acquire new companies.
As a Together for Sustainability (TfS) member, we contribute to its development, growth and success, for example by actively participating in workstreams and decision-making bodies. We’ve been part of the third party audit workstream for many years and now contribute to the new greenhouse gas Scope 3 workstream, where we use the leverage of the industry initiative to create awareness and reach suppliers on a larger scale.
Since 2017, we’ve been a member of the RE100 (a Climate Group initiative), which aims to move towards 100% renewable energy. We report the progress on our RE100 target annually, which in turn is published in their annual report as part of an overview of progress by all members.
We’re part of a broad coalition of Dutch companies to continue focusing on sustainability while using the UN SDGs as a guiding compass to define and measure our efforts. This will not only help us to mitigate climate risks, but will also enable us to create a more resilient economy and a more inclusive society. We endorse a strong focus on sustainability – such as the EU Green Deal – as one of the cornerstones of the COVID-19 recovery plan, while continuing to provide long-term certainty regarding the Dutch climate agreement and measurable commitments.
As a member of the UN Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead in Paint, we were the first major paint company to eliminate lead pigments and driers in all our paint products. We aim to be positioned as a lead compound-free company.